You have come to the right place. Baristic Bariatric Surgery Tijuana has been negotiating prices for quality care in Tijuana, Mexico with accredited hospital facilities and qualified surgeons similar to the ones you find at home in the U.S. and Canada.
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Bariatric Surgery mexico

At the Bariatric Surgery Tijuana Center, weight loss surgery is an operation performed to help people lose the excess weight they have, especially in cases of obesity. Evidence suggests that bariatric surgery can reduce the mortality rates of pounds overweight in patients, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle and diet.

 Bariatric surgery Mexico has become an ideal weight loss procedure for many, especially because it is an option that gives patients confidence in achieving their weight-related goals. Also, this type of surgery becomes an ideal treatment for patient care. This is because thanks to the medical procedure performed by the bariatric surgeon the risks of conditions such as sleep apnea, problems in the abdomen, stomach discomfort, and other symptoms related to high body mass can be progressively reduced.

Principles of bariatric surgery Mexico

The basic principle of bariatric surgery is restricting foods intake and decreasing food absorption in the stomach and intestines. The digestion process begins in the mouth, where the products are chewed and mixed with saliva and other secretions containing enzymes. The food reaches the stomach, where it is combined with the digestive juices and broken down so that the nutrients and calories can be absorbed. Digestion is accelerated as the food moves to the duodenum (first part of the small intestine), where it mixes with bile and pancreatic juice. 

Weight loss surgery is designed to alter or interrupt this digestion process so that food is not broken down and absorbed in the usual way. Reducing the absorption of calories and nutrients allows patients to lose weight and decrease the risk of obesity-related health disorders.

Although the bariatric surgery procedure may be risky for many, the truth is that it is a very effective treatment for people to reach a healthy weight; without putting the person’s well-being at risk.

Why the Need for Surgical Intervention

Severe obesity is one of the most serious stages of obesity. You may often find yourself struggling with your weight and essentially feeling as if you are caught in a cycle of weight gain. Besides, you have most likely tried numerous diet and exercise plans – only at the end, to see your efforts reflected in weight gain.

More than a decade ago, the National Institutes of Health, better known as the NIH, reports that individuals affected by severe obesity are reluctant to maintain the weight loss achieved by conventional therapies, such as consuming fewer calories, decreasing the number of meals in a day for better habits, increasing exercise, commercial weight-loss plans, etc. The NIH recognized that bariatric surgery (weight loss) is the only effective treatment for combating severe obesity and maintaining long-term weight loss.

That is why it is more frequent for people to opt for this type of surgery.  This has allowed the techniques to be perfected day by day thanks to the use of advanced technology that is employed so that the potential patient can achieve their weight loss goals and have a more optimal quality of life.

Bariatric Surgery Mexico Can Help You

When combined with a comprehensive treatment plan, bariatric surgery Mexico can often act as one of the most effective tools for providing sustainable weight loss over the long term, thus increasing weight loss surgery success rates. Experts have shown that bariatric surgery has helped hundreds of thousands of people improve or solve many troubles related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, and others.

Often, people who undergo bariatric surgery Mexico find themselves taking fewer and fewer measures of drugs to treat their obesity-related conditions. The significant weight loss through bariatric surgery also has an improvement in patients’ paths and lives because new opportunities are opened for them, their family, and most importantly, their health.

The Way Bariatric Surgery Mexico Works

Bariatric surgery, such as gastric bypass sleeve and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, work by changing the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach and digestive system) or by causing different physiological changes in the body that change the energy balance and fat metabolism.

Regardless of which bariatric surgery Mexico procedure you and your weight loss center doctor decide is best, it’s important to remember that bariatric surgery is a “tool.” Weight loss success also depends on many other important factors, such as post op diet, exercise, behavior modification, and more. As well as the experience, medical care, and knowledge of the medical professional and the weight loss team.

By changing your gastrointestinal anatomy, specific bariatric procedures affect the production of intestinal hormones that reduce hunger and appetite and increase the feeling of satiety. The result is a reduction in the desire to eat and the frequency of meals.

Curiously, these hormonal changes induced by gastric sleeve surgery, gastric bypass surgery, or any other type of weight loss surgery are the opposite of those produced by a conventional diet. Let’s take a closer look at the differences in hormonal changes between surgery and weight loss with diet:

Bariatric surgery and hormonal changes: The hormonal changes that occur after bariatric surgery improve weight loss by maintaining or increasing the number of calories burned. Some surgeries are facilitators for increased energy expenditure in relation to changes in body size. Therefore, unlike dieting, surgical weight loss is more likely to last because it creates a proper caloric balance.

Dieting and Hormonal Changes: In dietary weight loss, energy expenditure is reduced to levels lower than predicted by weight loss and body composition changes. This unbalanced change in energy can often lead to weight regain.

Significant weight loss is also associated with several other body changes that help reduce fat metabolism defects. With more substantial weight loss, you will find yourself getting more physical activity. People on a weight loss trend often engage in physical activity, such as walking, biking, swimming, and more. Also, increased physical activity combined with weight loss and a bariatric diet can improve your body’s ability to burn fat, lead to a positive personal attitude, and decrease stress levels.

Massive weight loss, due to bariatric surgery Mexico, also reduces hormones such as insulin (used to regulate sugar levels) and cortisol (the stress hormone) and improves the production of several other factors that reduce the uptake and storage of fat in fat deposits. Physical activity is also an essential component of the fight against obesity.

With the help of weight loss surgeons and the post-surgical care unit, thousands of patients have improved their biological conditions and actions (hormonal changes) to reverse the progression of obesity. Studies show that more than 90 percent of bariatric patients can maintain a long-term weight loss of 50 percent or more excess body weight.

Bariatric surgery can be a useful tool to help you break the vicious cycle of weight gain and help you achieve long-term weight loss, and improve your overall quality of life and health. But it’s important to always go to a medical center that has a doctor who specializes in the subject. 

Bariatric Surgery Tijuana Center is characterized because it is a space that has certification and the necessary regulations to provide people from Mexico and the United States with medical staff that focuses on patient safety. It is for these reasons and the benefits offered by bariatric surgery that many people and doctors opt for this treatment.

Contact us and learn more about Bariatric Surgery Mexico.