You have come to the right place. Baristic Bariatric Surgery Tijuana has been negotiating prices for quality care in Tijuana, Mexico with accredited hospital facilities and qualified surgeons similar to the ones you find at home in the U.S. and Canada.
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Bariatric Sleeve Cost

Mexico is one of the most important countries in terms of medical tourism, due to the high quality of its treatments and its accessible costs, these things have popularized it. An example is the bariatric sleeve cost, as it is a very expensive procedure in countries such as the United States and Canada.  

  • $ $3.600
    • Driver service
    • Hotel stay
    • Two days of hospitalization
    • Medical fees
    • 1 consultation with nutritionist
    • Pre and post-surgery consultations
  • $ $5.000
    • Driver service
    • Hotel stay
    • Two days of hospitalization
    • Medical fees
    • 1 consultation with nutritionist
    • Pre and post-surgery consultations
  • $ $5.000
    • Driver service
    • Hotel stay
    • Two days of hospitalization
    • Medical fees
    • 1 consultation with nutritionist
    • Pre and post-surgery consultations
  • $ TBD
    • Driver service
    • Hotel stay
    • Two days of hospitalization
    • Medical fees
    • 1 consultation with nutritionist
    • Pre and post-surgery consultations

The advantages of bariatric surgeries at BARISTIC

Today, Mexico has managed to earn a good place among the best countries to perform bariatric surgeries, prices can vary from state to state. Even within the same state, prices can vary quite a bit between cities, so keep that in mind before performing one.

In Tijuana, BARISTIC we have characterized ourselves for having the best surgical techniques and the most qualified surgeons, although our costs are cheaper than in the United States and Canada. The technology we use is the same or even more advanced than in these countries, which is why we have become a very popular clinic.

The best services are in Tijuana

Medical tourism considers Tijuana as the first place, as it is one of the most important cities in terms of weight-loss surgeries. The bariatric sleeve cost, gastric bypass and obesity treatments are just some of the things this beautiful city offers.

Well, despite our affordable prices compared to the average cost, our surgical procedures have the highest quality, for this reason it is better than in other cities of the Mexican Republic; even in cities close to the United States, such as Monterrey, in which higher prices are handled for the same procedures.

So, it is normal for people from other states of Mexico and from other countries to travel to Tijuana with the intention of undergoing weight-loss surgery.

Accessible services

Either in a private clinic or in a hospital, weight-loss surgery usually ends up being very expensive, mainly because more qualified personnel are needed in order to offer better care. This makes it necessary to invest more than anticipated, especially if the patient wants a more personalized attention, since otherwise convalescence could be more difficult in case of a wound infection.

The advantage of BARISTIC is that we can contemplate all this within the budget. So, services such as the driver and hotel stay are included in the bariatric sleeve cost, as well as in other surgical procedures that are usually performed. 

Quality care

From the first moment in which the patient decides to contact a doctor from BARISTIC, the best care is provided. The pre-consultation is about solving all the doubts that the patient might have, in addition to explaining how the procedure would be done.

The patient is given an appointment with the nutritionist so that he can have an adequate diet and a nutritional evaluation, which can help the patient make improvements in he’s health and food habits during this process. But this is not all, the patient’s health is important, which is why the post-surgical consultations that the patient will need are provided so that his evolution will be a success.

In other words, in BARISTIC we give the patient all the support he needs before, during and after cosmetic surgery. So, at all times the patient will feel the support of our medical team, who will be with him to make this process easier.

Professional team

The truth is that one of the main characteristics of Tijuana is its doctors, since there are many qualified doctors who work in these types of clinics. At BARISTIC we have a trained team to be able to offer the best services to our patients.

The quality that we handle and the bariatric sleeve cost, is quite accessible compared to the price that this procedure has in other countries, which has become one of its main characteristics.

What is the bariatric sleeve?

It is a technique in which 75% to 80% of the stomach can be removed, this helps to obtain a tubular stomach. Normally it is recommended only to people who suffer from extreme obesity, however, there are also cases where it is used in people who suffer from extreme overweight and have health complications.

The body mass index is a very important factor that must be taken into consideration, this is because usually, people with a BMI greater than 40 can have this surgery. But in cases where diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes and metabolic syndrome occur, the surgery can also be performed but only if the patient has a BMI greater than 30.

Are you a candidate for the surgery?

Although there are quite safe and effective surgeries such as the bariatric sleeve, unfortunately not all people are candidates for it. For this reason, before performing any procedure, at BARISTIC we request several studies, in which we can determine if the patient is a candidate for this or other weight loss surgeries.

Quality and price

At BARISTIC we always seek to support our patients so that they can have a better quality of life, that is why we also take their budget into consideration. Because of that, we have become one of the most popular professional clinics in Tijuana, as we offer professional treatments of the highest quality, at a low cost compared to the average price.

Our team of specialists knows how complicated it can be to travel from another country to Tijuana, therefore within the bariatric sleeve cost we also usually consider other expenses. We have Canadian patients that come all the way from Canada to Barisitic in Tijuana because they know we have the best bariatric sleeve surgery price and also want to improve their health condition. 

Contact Us, to know more.


All information is confidential. Please answer honestly to assure the best possible procedure for you.
It is important that all the information provided is true and complete to the best of your knowledge. It is essential the surgeon has complete and accurate information in order to provide safe medical evaluation and care. This medical history is used in providing care through the Bariatric Center, and some information may need to share with referring physicians/counselors.


    BMI 50-59 $ 500.00
    BMI 60-69 $ 1,000.00
    Aditional services $ 500.00
    Single Incision Laparascopic Surgery (SILS) $ 1,200.00
    Endoscopy $ 450.00
    Additional hospital night $ 150.00
    Additional nights hotel/recovery house $ 150.00


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