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Can You Drink Alcohol After Weight Loss Surgery?


Can You Drink Alcohol After Weight Loss Surgery?

Although there are many doubts that people going to undergo bariatric surgery have, one of the most common is alcohol consumption. They fear that, after undergoing this procedure, they will no longer be able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage as they used to.

The truth is that regardless of the weight loss surgery, alcohol can be very harmful to health. That is why it is not recommended; however, as long as the proper precautions are taken, it is possible to incorporate alcohol into a healthy lifestyle. Even so, it is crucial to take the following issues into account.

Why is it wrong to drink alcohol after surgery?

It is essential to mention that after weight loss surgery Mexico. The patient begins to lose weight and feel slimmer and has a series of hormonal changes.

Changes in metabolism

After weight loss surgery, when consuming alcoholic beverages, high levels of alcohol remain in the blood, and it takes longer for the body to return to normal. Another factor to consider is that it is common to experience an accelerated absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream when consuming less food.

It is common for post-surgical patients to experience intoxication with just one drink.

Decreases blood sugar

It is expected that after weight loss, the patient experiences a drop in sugar in the blood. The problem is that consuming alcohol depletes more glycogen, so the sugar levels may decrease more than recommended, causing hypoglycemia in the patient.

Hypoglycemia can unleash other conditions in the patient that can be life-threatening or even lead to death. Loss of consciousness, brain damage, and nervousness are some of the most common symptoms of these conditions, such as loss of coordination, slurred speech, visual impairment, and confusion.

In these cases, the patient is usually recommended to consume diluted juice or glucose tablets to stabilize blood sugar. It is also recommended to consume complex carbohydrates and proteins if necessary to maintain stability.   

However, it is not normal to have hypoglycemic episodes, so if they occur even without consuming alcohol, it is necessary to see a physician.

Increased Calories

Believe it or not, alcohol can cause you to gain weight because of its high calorie and low nutrient content. Drinking alcohol can be a setback for weight loss, especially if consumed often.

Developing new addictions

Unfortunately, it is very common for patients who have suffered from an addiction to be at greater risk of falling into other habits. This can happen after a gastric bypass Mexico, as patients seek to substitute food with other addictive and harmful behaviors, such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs.

Tips on how to drink alcohol in a healthy way

It is possible to drink alcoholic beverages again after weight loss surgery, but it is necessary to reintroduce them properly. This way, the healthy lifestyle that the patient acquires after the gastrointestinal bypass is not compromised.

Wait some time

It is usually recommended that patients spend the first six months after bariatric surgery without consuming any alcohol. After this time, the patient can consult with his surgeon if he can drink alcohol again since it is not recommended in all cases.

Avoid drinking just anything

If the doctor considers that the patient can drink alcohol again, it is recommended to avoid carbonated beverages. Mixed and sweetened beverages should also be avoided, and it is necessary to keep in mind that no matter how small the drink may be, it can cause intoxication.

Food in the stomach

To help slow the absorption of alcohol, it is recommended that patients drink after eating or while eating. That way, it will be easier for the body to tolerate the alcohol consumed, even if you drink small amounts.

Do not drive after drinking alcohol

It may sound very obvious, but the truth is that, as we said before, it is easier for the patient to become intoxicated by drinking alcohol after a weight loss procedure. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to avoid driving after drinking, even if it was only a tiny amount of alcohol.

Professional Help

Usually, patients desire to drink alcohol because they are looking for an alternative to cope with their emotions. That is why alcohol can be so harmful, and to avoid such situations, it is best to seek professional help.

That way, it will be much easier for the patient to face these new stages without running the risk of damaging his body due to alcohol. If you do not know who to turn to, you can consult your doctor; he will give you the help you need to find an expert who can support you.

As you can see, if you take the proper precautions, you can go back to drinking alcohol after weight loss surgery. However, the most advisable thing to do is to avoid this type of beverage, as they can cause a lot of damage, and their effects may depend on the types of gastric bypass.

At BARISTIC, we know how difficult it can be for an overweight person to reach their ideal weight; that is why we offer you all the help you need. We have several treatments to treat obesity, and we always seek to provide our patients with complete and unparalleled care.

That is why BARISTIC has become the best alternative for treating weight problems in Tijuana for hundreds of people.