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After gastric sleeve surgery, can you gain weight again?


After gastric sleeve surgery, can you gain weight again?

Weight gain after gastric sleeve surgery, although an infrequent occurrence compared to the success rate, is still a nightmare that many people dread.

Approximately 3 out of 10 patients are more likely to regain weight after a period of time following a weight loss procedure. That is why it is necessary to know more about this topic, so that you can find out what are the most frequent causes of this happening and how to avoid it.

What causes weight gain?

The success or failure of a weight loss surgery may depend on several factors, since both physical and emotional aspects are involved in this type of procedure. Precisely because of this reason, it is very common that in some cases physical and psychological care is recommended before proceeding with the surgery.

Surgery cannot act alone, it is a tool that can help you but it is necessary to complement it. Adequate nutrition and exercise are fundamental for this procedure to provide you with the necessary help to reach your goals.

Weight gain can also be the result of changes in the intestine and stomach, which cause it to increase in size. In these cases, the propensity to gain weight is increased, since the size of the stomach makes it easier for the patients to eat more food and absorb more calories than they should.

Even so, it is more common for weight gain to occur due to the return of bad eating habits and lack of exercise. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to talk to your doctor about the changes you are going through and how your body is being affected.

Things you should know about weight gain

Usually the success of a gastric sleeve surgery depends a lot on the patient’s commitment, since they must completely change their behavior. But weight gain is not always a bad sign, sometimes it is very common for the patients to gain a little weight, but that usually happens when they are gaining muscle.

In case you are in doubt as to whether what you are gaining is muscle or fat, the best thing to do is to check the percentage of body fat you have at the moment and clear up any doubts. To know this information you can also ask for help from your surgeon or nutritionist.

Another thing to keep in mind about weight changes is that ups and downs are very common, since it takes two years for the body to stabilize. On the other hand, weight is something that can easily vary depending on other factors such as: the amount of fluids lost or consumed, so it is best to evaluate the patient by body fat.

How to avoid the rebound effect?

Do not skip meals

One of the most common problems with skipping meals is that the body seeks to compensate by eating more food. In other words, this is a harmful process that can not only compromise the surgery, but can also seriously affect your stomach.

Empty carbohydrates

It is not about demonizing foods, it is about finding the balance that they should have, in order to obtain the necessary nutrients. Unfortunately there are many people who consume foods made with refined flours in excess, which usually do not provide many nutrients.

In these cases it is advisable to look for more beneficial carbohydrates such as fruit and vegetables.

Protein consumption

Eliminating protein from the daily diet will only help the body’s muscle to be consumed before it starts burning fat. This is why it is necessary to consume a certain amount of protein daily, so that the body is not forced to take the protein it needs from the muscles.

Avoid processed food

One of the most common problems generated by consuming processed food is the increase in the liver’s load. In addition, this type of food also brings extra problems to the metabolization of body fat, all of this without taking into account the damage it can cause to the intestinal function.

Sleeping too few hours

More and more information is being obtained about the problems that lack of sleep can cause, and one of the most relevant in this case is weight gain. It is easier for people to become overweight if they do not sleep approximately 8 hours a day, that is why, even if you have already undergone the gastric sleeve surgery Mexico, you can gain weight if you do not take care of yourself.

Although it is somewhat difficult, weight gain after a gastric sleeve surgery is something possible. It is necessary to go to health professionals, at Baristic, we provide you with the necessary follow-up, to make sure you can reach your goals in the easiest way.

At Baristic, we have health professionals who can offer you their help to improve this process. So before, during and after the surgery, you will be able to count with the necessary tools so that your goals can always be achieved in the best way, and without putting your health at risk.