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What is the risk for Coronavirus for those who have a Gastric Sleeve?


What is the risk for Coronavirus for those who have a Gastric Sleeve?

Obesity is directly related to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular complications. This disease even affects our immune system because it causes a state of chronic systemic inflammation.

Those who are already obese are in the risk group for coronavirus, no matter how old they are. However, a question has arisen among many patients who have had a gastric bypass or gastric sleeve: has having undergone this surgery made them more susceptible to the virus?

The answer is NO.

It is true, after bariatric surgery, there is a small fluctuation in your immune system due to the adaptation in your calorie intake. Your diet, in general, is drastically modified, and this impacts your immune system, but this situation is transitory and is not significant.

Beign a bariatric patient is NOT a risk factor for Coronavirus

If you have already had gastric Bypass or Gastric Sleeve surgery (6 months, one year or more), this is not a risk factor at all. After bariatric surgery, you will lose weight, and this helps you get out of the risk zone of obese patients because you now lead a healthier and more active life.

It is true; coronavirus is a highly contagious disease. This virus can live for several hours on different surfaces, and for this reason, it is crucial to follow the recommendations made by the health authorities.

Symptoms of coronavirus disease can present as a mild cold or, in more severe cases, as pneumonia and respiratory failure. When a patient loses weight as a result of bariatric surgery, he experiences a noticeable improvement in his general state of health and a considerable decrease in health complications related to comorbidities.

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Stay home as long as possible

SARS-CoV-2 is a new virus that must be respected, but not to be afraid of. The mortality represented by this virus, fortunately, is low. However, no one wants to catch or spread to their family, friends, or the people around them.

The pandemic that we are living demands all our solidarity and, therefore, it´s essential to show respect to our fellow men, family, friends, and our coworkers, taking care of ourselves and staying at home. Let’s show that respect by following the rules, not visiting our neighbors, not visiting our family, not going on vacation, or out for a walk.

Extreme precautions, without falling into panic

The coronavirus is very infectious because it is transmitted easier than other diseases caused by respiratory viruses. This level of contagion is, precisely, the reason why we must take extreme precautions and stay home for now.

The actions taken by the authorities have the mission of avoiding more contagions that may cause a more significant public health problem. Remembar: Our main goal now is to slow down the spread of the virus and control this disease soon.

Any questions you may have about Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass or Mini Gastric Bypass, please feel free to send us a direct message through Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp.

We will gladly reply to you.

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