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A Gastric Sleeve Surgery could be the best decision of your life

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

A Gastric Sleeve Surgery could be the best decision of your life

Gastric Sleeve Surgery exclusively involves the stomach, in a simple and minimally invasive surgical procedure. Reducing the size of your stomach is a way to help your body to receive less food. This way, your stomach will absorb fewer calories and start using its fat reserve as energy.

This is how we do a Gastric Sleeve Surgery

The Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a restrictive surgical procedure in the sense that it “restricts” how much food the stomach can hold. 

In a Gastric Sleeve Surgery, up to 80% of your stomach will be removed. Before starting, we apply anesthesia, and once you are completely asleep, we remove a part of your stomach, this leaves you with a smaller stomach and with a banana shape.

How much weight can you lose with a Gastric Sleeve?

The total weight you can lose relies on your following a postoperative diet and a healthy lifestyle after your surgery.

During the first year, a patient who undergoes a Gastric Sleeve will lose an average of 70% of the excess weight in his/her body.

  • You will have lost between 25 and 35% of your excess weight after three months
  • At six months you will have lost between 45 and 55% of your excess weight
  • One year later you will have lost between 70 and 80% of your excess weight

If you lose your excess weight, you will also decrease the risk of complications caused by hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, and other diseases associated with obesity.

Your Gastric Sleeve Surgery at a glance

  • Your surgery will last 1 to 1 hour and a half.
  • You will be walking 2 hours later.
  • You will come back home two days later.
  • You will be able to return to your daily routine seven days later (without any physical effort).
  • You will not have any postoperative pain two weeks later.

Your new life day by day

STEP 1. Are you or a candidate for Gastric Sleeve surgery?

On your first visit to our office, we will review your general health history. We also will check the damage you may have derived from other diseases associated with overweight and obesity.

If your BMI is above 30, Gastric Sleeve maybe your best option to return to your healthy weight. If necessary, we will send you to make different analyzes.

So, if you really are a candidate for surgery, your change begins here. We can set a date for your surgery, and you must follow all the medical indications we give you.

Two weeks before you start with a preoperative diet, that means:

  • No sugar
  • No smoking
  • Restricted carbohydrates
  • Increase protein intake
  • Increase in vegetable consumption
  • Many liquids

Two days before your surgery, the diet will change to:

  • Liquids
  • Broths
  • One protein shake a day
  • Review the possibility of stopping taking any medication

12 hours before surgery:

  • Do not eat anything
  • Don´t drink anything
  • Do not smoke

STEP 2. The big day arrived

Pre-surgery preparation helps us significantly reduce risks during the procedure; In addition to that, it will be an essential factor for you to lose weight faster.

The routine of preparing for your surgery is the one generally followed for any other surgical procedure:

  1. Take off your clothes and jewelry
  2. Put on the hospital gown
  3. Know your nurses and anesthesiologist
  4. Receive medicine to relax and sleep

Once you are under anesthesia, we will make four small incisions. These incisions will be between half a centimeter and one centimeter and, through an optical lens, we will have a complete view of your pelvic-abdominal cavity.

With this minimally invasive technique, we reach your stomach. Once there:

  1. We remove the excess fat around the stomach to be able to section it.
  2. Next, we proceed to cut the stomach and remove 80% of its size.
  3. With a smaller stomach, we suture and make sure there is no leakage or internal bleeding.

Once out of the operating room, you will be able to stand in approximately 2 hours.

STEP 3. Welcome to your new life!

The recovery of a Gastric Sleeve Surgery is usually short. You will experience the results of weight loss from the first week after your surgery.

However, it is in your diet where the real transformation lies, and you must follow a progressive process of recovery and adaptation to your new stomach.

Since Gastric Sleeve Surgery reduces the size of your stomach permanently, you will have to follow a special postoperative diet, which will start only with liquids.

Gradually, your diet will progress through stages slowly until you reach solid foods again. At the end of this process, you will be able to eat almost every kind of food, as long as they are part of your new healthy lifestyle.

However, from now on, you will eat smaller portions of everything and fill up faster. You will lose excess weight, and gradually your energy and your health will improve.

Need financing for your surgery?

If you need assistance financing the surgery, or if you would like to experience Medical Tourism by operating outside of the country, we can help you. We offer financing through Citerra Finance and United Medical Credit for bariatric treatments with Dr. Miguel Navarro.

Contact us and apply today for more information regarding surgery cost and travel.  Choose Baristic, and let us take care of everything else.

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