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Stop type 2 diabetes is possible

stop type 2 diabetes

Stop type 2 diabetes is possible

Besides being an excellent option for weight control, bariatric surgeries are also significant to stop type 2 diabetes and correct other health complications such as hypertension, sleep apnea or high cholesterol.

When you have body overweight, your chances of getting diabetes increased more than double. On the other hand, someone whose weight is at some level of obesity has up to three times the risk of diabetes.

Remember that type 2 diabetes is the most common kind of diabetes and causes high levels of blood glucose, kidney disorders, ophthalmological and cardiovascular problems, as well as some nervous diseases.

Nowadays, there are different medical methods for this terrible disease. As we already said, bariatric surgeries have proved to be one of the most effective treatments to combat it.

stop type 2 diabetes with bariatric surgery

Bariatric Surgeries are procedures for massive weight loss that are suitable for people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30.

This are the two most popular bariatric surgeries to stop type 2 diabetes

The Gastric Sleeve Surgery is a restrictive type of weight loss surgery that surgically reduces the size of the stomach to limit food intake and lessen the sensation of hunger.

The procedure does not involve cutting, rerouting, or bypassing any portion of the small intestine like Gastric Bypass. Neither does it require a medical implant or periodic adjustments as with Gastric Banding.

Gastric Bypass Surgery procedure yields impressive weight loss results because it is a procedure of mixed type: restrictive and malabsorption.

The operation is major gastrointestinal surgery that permanently and substantially alters the stomach and intestines to help significantly overweight individuals achieve lasting weight loss and improved health.

Bariatric Surgeries also improves other conditions associated with weight, such as osteoarthritis of the knees and spine, excessive snoring, apnea, and other sleep disorders.

Bariatric surgeries advantages over traditional diabetes treatment are:

  • Your glycemic control shows noticeable improvement.
  • You have over 75% chances to put on remission your type 2 diabetes within the first year after your weight loss surgery.
  • Your Hemoglobin A-1c levels will normalize also during the first months after getting your weight loss surgery.
  • Other complications related to type 2 diabetes show up is delayed.

Give your body the chance to recover its health!

Contact us for more information and schedule the first appointment to evaluate your general health status and tell you if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery.

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