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3 ways to keep healthy while in self-isolation or quarantine (COVID-19)

BARISTIC Bariatric Surgery Tijuana Center - Dr. Navarro Blog 3 ways to keep healthy while in self-isolation or quarantine (COVID-19)

3 ways to keep healthy while in self-isolation or quarantine (COVID-19)

In a matter of a few weeks our life has taken a radical turn. We find ourselves immersed in an unknown situation in which, secluded in our homes, we have had to limit our movements and go out only for what is truly necessary. We want to give you some advice so you can keep healthy while in self-isolation.

It is a key moment in which we all add up with our actions, working as a team to stop the coronavirus curve.

Our day to day has changed. School activities are now done through a computer, we exercise, cook, visit museums, go to concerts and meet to have a drink with our family and friends without leaving home. Our visa happens online.

Anxiety, sadness, stress, and fear are everyday emotions we can experiment in this kind of situation. However, if we can keep a daily routine, it will help us deal with all the stress that we have right now.

Having regular mealtimes and plan your meals is an effective way to make this happen. Simple actions like these will help you control your hunger levels, meet your nutrient requirements, and get the most out of the food you have in your pantry.

Stay safe at home and keep doing your best to keep healthy while in self-isolation

Both quarantine and self-isolationmean spending a lot of time at home. The best advice to stay healthy is to follow the general recommendations, such as eating a balanced diet (even pre or post-bariatric nutrition), drink enough water, exercise yourself, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.

1. A healthy and balanced diet

There are no special foods or supplements that can help you quickly improve your defenses against COVID-19. However, vegetables, fruits, and proteins are the best way you can get all the essential nutrients needed for good health and a healthy immune function.

2. Stay active at home

The benefits of physical activity for our health are undeniable. As adults, we must exercise our body for at least 30 minutes a day. In children and adolescents, the recommendation is at least one hour a day.

3. Take care of the portions and practice mindfulness

In this kind of stressful situation, we may be eating more than we need. Not to mention, we might be confusing boredom with hunger. Paying particular attention to the portions we consume and practicing some mindfulness strategies can help us balance our calorie intake.

Tips to buy and prepare food

To reduce the risk of infection, Eufic (The European Food Information Council) recomend this actions when buying or preparing food:

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water before and after grocery shopping, unpacking foods, collecting takeaways, and after receiving delivered food.
  • Keep a safe distance (at least 3 feet) from other people when shopping.
  • Don’t go shopping if you are sick, where possible, order your groceries online or have some family or friends drop them off.
  • Avoid touching foods unless you are going to buy them.
  • Try to limit trips to the supermarket by planning meals, shop at odd hours, use self-checkouts as much as possible and pay through electronic means.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a face mask and remember to wash your hands after.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose and mouth before washing your hands.

Any questions you have about Covid19 and its relationship with obesity, diabetes, or hypertension, please feel free to send us a direct message through Facebook or Instagram. We will gladly reply to you.

Be very careful and remember: stay home, together we will make it.

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