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Covid19 quarentine: 5 tips to stay active at home

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Covid19 quarentine: 5 tips to stay active at home

Staying at home has advantages like home-office, having more free time, saving money, and spending more time with our loved ones. However, it also involves isolation, nerves, and possibly physical inactivity. But still there are options to stay active at home during the quarantine.

Exercise is essential for our health. Staying on the move through non-sports physical activities (walking or climbing stairs) is critical not only as prevention but even in the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, or metabolic syndrome.

Exercising during quarantine is good for the body and mind

Self-isolation should not mean the interruption of physical activity. Instead, you can see it as an opportunity to continue your exercise routine, maintain a sense of normality, and protect mental health. You do not need considerable space. If you choose the right exercises, it is enough to have a quiet area in which you feel comfortable and minimal equipment.

There are scientific investigations that ensure that exercising contributes to improving our immune system, improving the body’s ability to fight common diseases.

Well, let’s do it. Follow these tips to stay active during these days at home. Remember: taking care of our physical and mental health is essential to walk out successfully of this pandemic.

1. Take short breaks with physical activity

One of the first tips is to take short breaks with physical activity throughout the day. Dance, play with your children or do household chores. Even get up to move your legs and facilitate blood circulation.

2. Walk home

Another recommendation is to walk around your house. If you get a call, get up or take a walk around the house while you talk, you don’t feel. But remember to keep a safe distance from other people, even inside the house, to avoid infections.

3. Get up every 30 minutes

The WHO recommends standing up whenever possible, ideally every 30 minutes. The organization also insists on the use of a high desk so that, even while standing, you can keep working. On the other hand, he also recommends playing board games, putting together puzzles, or reading as cognitive stimulation activities during your free time.

4. Meditate to fight stress

Self-isolation can cause additional stress and affect our mental health. To help mitigate those consequences, the WHO suggests exercise routines and some meditation postures.

5. Eat healthily and drink water

Remember that eating healthy and staying hydrated is essential to maintain good health during the quarantine. Avoid sugary drinks and sodas, limit or even avoid alcoholic beverages, all the more so if you are a pregnant or lactating woman. It is recommended a higher intake of protein, vegetables, and fruit instead of eating salty, sugary, or high-fat foods.

Any questions you have about Covid19 and its relationship with obesity, diabetes, or hypertension, please feel free to send us a direct message through Facebook or Instagram. We will gladly reply to you.

Be very careful and remember: stay home, together we will make it.

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