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Metabolic syndrome

Baristic 50 Metabolic syndrome Blog

Metabolic syndrome

Obesity and overweight are diseases that have been on the rise in recent decades. Countries like the U.S.A and Mexico are among the first parameters of people with excess weight, both in adults and children. Although there is awareness about it and several strategies have been created to reduce risk factors, to date, the prevalence of these diseases has been minimally reduced. On the other hand, diabetes and heart attacks have increased, becoming one of the leading causes of death in these countries.

There is a broad relationship between weight, diabetes, and the heart, mainly because these conditions are part of an even bigger problem: metabolic syndrome.

What is metabolic syndrome?

It is a term used by doctors when there is a relationship between severe obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cholesterol. Therefore, it is not a single disease; it is a group of different alterations in the metabolism that generates, progressively, that these conditions are potentiated in people who suffer from these pathologies.

Obesity is usually associated with a decrease in the percentage of a person’s life expectancy. This is because excess weight causes many changes in the metabolism and the whole body. It is expected that the patient who presents obesity has higher risks of presenting high triglyceride levels and blood glucose, blood pressure problems, diabetes in any of its degrees, alterations in the heart, among other conditions. That is why it is essential to prevent or act before time to avoid any condition that may affect the person’s wellbeing. 

What are the risk factors for metabolic syndrome?

Some of these risk factors depend on the person’s lifestyle and others on their medical history and genetics.

Diet: The type of diet consumed can be a factor for which this syndrome can occur, especially when a diet is high in fat and low in fiber and grains. This leads to a reduction in good cholesterol and a considerable increase in bad cholesterol.

Physical activity: Leading a sedentary lifestyle directly affects weight, increases body mass, raises the possibility of a heart attack, increases excess sugar in the blood, among other health problems.

Age: Adult population has more changes in metabolism there will be, so if the patient’s age is advanced, it is expected that there will be more complications and causes that lead to metabolic syndrome.

Certain types of drugs: Certain drugs can alter metabolism.

Diseases: Pathologies that affect hormones, such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid problems, or polycystic ovaries, can cause damage and changes in metabolism.

Genetics: If within the family history (genetic history) of a patient, there are high waist circumference, the prevalence of overweight, history of diabetes, excess triglycerides, high blood pressure or risk of heart attack.

Ethnicity: Hispanics and Americans are more prone to develop metabolic syndrome due to their lifestyle and diet.

According to the weight parameter, the syndrome increases in prevalence; that is why, in Mexico and the U.S.A, many of the population has this disorder. 

How is metabolic syndrome detected?

For a long time, different doctors and organizations have established specific ranges to make it easier to detect this syndrome’s presence in males and women. According to these parameters, a patient who presents at least three of the following conditions: risk of heart attack, unhealthy weight, insulin problems, high blood sugar levels, abdominal obesity, among others, indicate that they present some degree of metabolic syndrome.

Doctors should evaluate fasting glucose, blood pressure, blood clots, triglyceride levels, the amount of HDL cholesterol in males and females, and waist measurement in women and men. 

Treatment and prevention of the metabolic syndrome

The primary treatment for women and men suffering from this syndrome will be a healthy diet and physical activity. Although it may sound straightforward to perform these two actions, the truth is that the loss of volume in the bodies will depend on many things, if a healthy diet is followed correctly, if the indicated time of exercise is performed and if there is a real attachment to this new lifestyle. Many times it is better to complete it with a weight loss surgery Mexico, because in this way, you are guaranteeing a healthy condition for life.

According to the specialist’s criteria, drugs can be recommended to control and manage the risk of diabetes through insulin, a decrease in fat levels, and arterial problems. 

The major problem of prevention and treatment is that people must change their lifestyle to reduce the complications and risks of metabolic syndrome, but many already have a routine that can be very complicated to abandon.

Through different methods, it is possible to reverse the damages that make up the metabolic syndrome, such as abdominal obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance, waist circumference, among other complications associated with obesity. However, for this to be possible, it is essential to consult a specialist who will evaluate the patient history so that they can determine, according to their criteria, if it will be necessary to combine different medical interventions to reduce and prevent chronic diseases that may affect the person’s life.

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