You have come to the right place. Baristic Bariatric Surgery Tijuana has been negotiating prices for quality care in Tijuana, Mexico with accredited hospital facilities and qualified surgeons similar to the ones you find at home in the U.S. and Canada.
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What is included in the cost gastric sleeve in our clinic

Weight Loss Surgery Mexico Baristic Dr navarro

What is included in the cost gastric sleeve in our clinic

One of the main characteristics of bariatric surgery is that their cost can vary a lot depending on the city where it will be performed. Tijuana is one of the cities with the most affordable costs in terms of any bariatric surgery, and it also has many specialized surgeons. 

However, it is common for the cost of a surgery such as a gastric sleeve surgery to become a very important factor for some patients. This can even determine whether they make the decision to have surgery or prefer to wait longer.

Is a lower price better for me?

Although in Tijuana the price of surgeries is lower than in other countries and even than in other cities of Mexico, it should not be the main factor to consider. The bariatric sleeve cost in BARISTIC is quite accessible, however we have a team of professionals who have the experience to perform these procedures. In reality, in any surgery there are always risks, and in some cases the recovery can be slow or complications may present. Therefore, it is best not to choose a surgeon based on the price they charge for the surgery. It is better to observe other characteristics in which it can be verified that we are dealing with a professional surgeon. Having the support of a bariatric surgeon like Dr. Miguel Navarro is the best way to avoid having any regrets after surgery.

Does the price determine the efficiency of the surgeon?

In reality, the skills of a surgeon cannot be determined solely by price, it is necessary to know the experience they have and their studies. Asking about his % of complications and the number of procedures he has performed, that is of great help to know if he is a good surgeon.

You can talk to the clinic staff or surgeon and see other cases where he has done the same surgery. This will allow you to make comparisons and analyze the statistics, so it will be easier to make the decision to continue with the procedure.

Can my insurance company pay for bariatric surgery?

That will depend on the type of insurance that the patient has at the moment. However, most of the time insurers do not pay for weight loss surgeries, this is due to several reasons. These kinds of expenses sometimes are not covered, since it is often thought that with the help of a nutritionist or an endocrinologist is enough to start losing weight.

Unfortunately, most of the time these options do not help solve the obesity problem, so the patient is forced to surgery, to treat the excess body weight and stop having health issues.

Accessible budgets

Most surgeons know how difficult it is for people with obesity to find the help they need. For this reason, the surgeon considers the needs of the patient, to offer the services that best suit their needs.

The priority is that the patient can improve their quality of life, and all help is offered to start with the weight loss process. The necessary check-ups are also done to ensure that his recovery goes according to plan, the surgeon will be with the patient at all times to guide him during the recovery.

What does the cost include in our clinic?

Quality. At BARISTIC we have a team of professionals dedicated to providing patients with a better quality of life. Our expert surgeon is the best in his class and is known for using the most advanced technique, so the patients can be sure that they will always have the best quality.

The best services. Our main services include the driver,  a stay in a nearby hotel and two days of hospital charges. In this way we make sure that the patient feels comfortable from the first moment.

Appointments. We know that in order for a weight loss surgery to be successful, it is also necessary for the patient to consult with experts from other areas. So, the cost of the gastric sleeve also includes 1 nutritionist appointment. The patient may also have other doctor visits, before and after the surgery.

Fee. Sometimes the patient feels unmotivated to undergo surgery, because he thinks that it will be very difficult to cover the medical fees. This does not have to be the case, on the contrary, at BARISTIC, we want the patient to not worry about money; so, our medical fees are already included in the cost of the gastric sleeve.

Why is the cost so affordable?

At BARISTIC we know the problems that exist in the world due to obesity problems, which unfortunately is increasing in countries like the United States and Mexico. That is why we seek to make the change, helping patients who cannot lose weight with traditional methods. It is important to mention that our prices are more affordable than the average cost, and we provide our patients with the best care. 

We seek to provide a quality service, but at the same time to be accessible, that is why we negotiate prices. Thanks to this, we have accredited hospital facilities and a team of health professionals, including qualified nurses, nutritionists, doctors and surgeons.

The academic level of our surgeons is comparable to surgeons from countries such as the United States and Canada, so it is common for foreigners to come to our clinic to perform some weight loss surgery.

It is due to these reasons that BARISTIC is the best alternative if you want to have a bariatric procedure to start having healthy weight, of course, with the help of the best team of professionals.

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