You have come to the right place. Baristic Bariatric Surgery Tijuana has been negotiating prices for quality care in Tijuana, Mexico with accredited hospital facilities and qualified surgeons similar to the ones you find at home in the U.S. and Canada.
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Why is weight loss surgery cheaper in Mexico?

Weight Loss Surgery

Why is weight loss surgery cheaper in Mexico?

Obesity has become one of the most complicated and difficult chronic diseases to manage, since it also leads to other conditions. Because of this, more and more people are looking for a solution to this problem through weight loss surgery, however, access to these treatments is not always easy.

There are many challenges that you have to go through when trying to lose weight, especially when you do not have many resources. In addition, if you do not have good medical insurance that can cover these expenses, it is more complicated to undergo this type of procedure.

However, Mexico has become the solution for hundreds of people who travel to cities like Tijuana every year to get treated.

Why is treatment in Mexico affordable?

When you have suffered from a chronic disease such as obesity for a long time, it is difficult to maintain a stable weight with the help of exercise and diet alone. In these cases, the most advisable thing to do is to undergo bariatric surgery because only in this way can severe obesity be fought.

Unfortunately, in countries such as the United States, these procedures are usually quite expensive and difficult to carry out. For this reason Tijuana has become the ideal city for hundreds of tourists who decide to undergo treatment during their vacations, since it is a very affordable city.

In fact, Mexico in most things is usually much more affordable than the United States, so it is always easier to access this kind of services. Products, lodging, even souvenirs are incredibly affordable.

On the other hand, the dollar is a currency that has a higher economic level than the Mexican peso, so the exchange rate also plays an important role in the economy. Basically, it can be said that for these reasons it will always be cheaper for an American to be treated in Mexico, although this does not mean that it is a bad thing, on the contrary.

Why is Mexico a good choice?

Although it is common to hear about bariatric surgery as if it were one procedure, it is actually a term that is often used for different operations. Among the procedures performed in Tijuana are laparoscopic, gastric sleeve and Roux-en-Y surgery.

This is important, since not all procedures are suitable for people with obesity problems. In other words, it is necessary to choose the procedure that best suits the patient’s needs and work with the surgeon together with the patient in order to perform it in the best possible way.

Although there are several procedures that can help a patient with obesity, the most requested weight loss surgery Mexico is the gastric bypass. During this procedure the stomach is stapled so that it can be reduced in size and at the same time create a feeling of satiety.

Advanced technology

One advantage of Tijuana being close to the United States is that it always has the latest technology in terms of medical equipment. So for patients coming from countries such as the United States and Canada, technologically there will not be much difference between being operated in Mexico and being operated in their countries.   

The clinics are equipped with everything necessary to ensure that any surgical procedure is performed in the best way.

Suitable facilities

One of the most common fears is to run into facilities that do not have the most adequate conditions to work. Fortunately, this is not usually the case, on the contrary, Tijuana clinics are characterized by being modern and have everything necessary to provide an optimal environment.

In many cases hospitals and clinics are constantly being renovated, in other cases the clinics are built from scratch, so that they can have everything necessary to provide a more comfortable stay.

Human quality

Unfortunately, it is very common that after undergoing a long-awaited procedure such as weight loss surgery, the patient does not feel the support he or she needs. It is even very common that they decide to miss their appointments after the surgery because they do not feel like talking to anyone.  

To avoid this kind of situation, the medical team offers the patient everything they need to feel supported. In other words, both nurses and doctors are attentive to the patient at all times and try to have good communication.

This way, the patient feels appreciated by the medical staff, something that often does not happen when they undergo surgery in the United States, since the doctors have very little time to attend to them.

Nutritional guidance

Although weight loss surgeries are the best alternative to lose weight when you have an obesity problem, it is necessary to use other tools. One of these tools is nutritional counseling, that is why Mexico has several of the best experts in nutrition.

In professional clinics such as Baristic, the patient will be able to access the best nutritional guidance, so they can have a better diet. In addition, support will also be provided to make your recovery as smooth as possible.

Medical professionals

The truth is that it is well known that Mexico is home to many of the best doctors in the world and many of them work in Tijuana. However, their services are usually affordable because when working in Mexico it is necessary to take into account the country’s economy.

That is why requesting the services of qualified health professionals such as Dr. Miguel Navarro and Dr. Carlos Rodriguez is so sought after. So if you are looking for a place that can provide you with quality and at the same time is affordable, then BARISTIC is for you.

We are experts in weight loss surgery and have years of experience making hundreds of people’s lives change for the better.

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